Perfect Your Personalized Messages With ChatIn Blueprints

April 19, 2023

Is your generated message not quite hitting the mark? Are you spending time tweaking each message, copy and pasting in specific sentences you want in every message?

Whether it’s the overall intent of the message, or the overall structure, ChatIn’s new Blueprints has got you covered!

What are ChatIn Blueprints?

ChatIn Blueprints are a powerful addition to your message generator, allowing you to customize generated messages to your own needs. They let you define not only the intent of the message - whether you’re sending a simple message to say “hello”, to an invitation to an upcoming conference - but also the specific structure and wording of a message.

Benefits of Utilizing Blueprints

Getting the right message out to your prospects quickly and efficiently is the foundation of successful messaging. With ChatIn's Blueprints feature, you can easily do just that!

The Blueprints feature allows you to generate personalized messages that fit each persona. You can switch out blueprints with a single click, meaning that you no longer need to individually tweak each generated message before sending. This helps you save time and effort, allowing you to speed up your workflow and get more done in less time.

Creating Customized Blueprints in ChatIn

Creating customized blueprints is a breeze. Simply head to the Settings tab, and click ‘Add New Blueprint'. Fill in the Intent and change the message structure to your liking.

Demo of adding Recommended and Free Text Blocks

The Intent refers to the main purpose or objective of a message that you want to convey to your prospect. This can be described in 1-2 sentences, for example, ‘Promote our app, highlighting the simplicity of onboarding and the expected RoI’, or ‘Invite prospect to an upcoming tech conference in May 2024’.

The Message Structure is defined in Blocks. Each block represents the desired content within the message - for example, adding in a ‘Personalization’ block will let ChatIn know to include some specific personalization for the specific prospect, while a ‘Value Proposition' block will include some content about what value you can provide. You can drag and drop these blocks in order to craft your perfect message that fits your style.

You can also add Free Text Blocks, which allow you to add in custom text to your message verbatim. This is particularly useful for very specific sentences or wording that you want to include in every generated message.